Thursday, December 5, 2019
Business Ethics and Sustainability Analysis
Question: Describe about the Business Ethics and Sustainability. Answer: Hello everyone, I am verygratefulto have learned the following values , ethicsas well asmorals in thecourse.Each one of theseelementsappearconstantlyas they arecontained inour everyday livesbutcertainlynotcarefullyunderstandthetrue meaningas well aspractical applicationfields throughout our existence .You will need torecognize thatcompaniesare madeby individualsand it is these whosecurethe benefit forinvestorsbut fora number of themis not importantjust howisreceived,howeveron the other hand ,you will findbusiness peoplewhonot justconcerned about maximizingearningsbut at the same timethe way toobtain it . I havediscovered thatethics for them playsan importantrole , they areready togive upgood resultswhenever they had tobehaveunethically , or lack of social sensitivity .We are going tosee thea lot moreclearly theimpactof ethics in businessas well as theresults that can be obtained bykeepingthis principle . I have learned a lot thanks to this course .Thanks. People not only act morally, but also reflect on our behavior or that of others, as when we wonder should I do this ?, Have I done the right thing ?, it is just that , etc. This human concern clarify their own moral behavior led to the Ethics, a discipline born in Classical Greece in the s. IV. C. part of Philosophy, valuable know that you studied in later courses. The Ethics word comes from thos Greek, meaning "custom" or habit and "character" or way of being, like the term "moral" in Latin, but they coincide in this regard, we will consider along this Ethics course as the philosophical study of moral conduct in general, differentiating it from other types of behavior. According to all the diagonistic tools conducted in this paper it is clear that we tend to be sympathetic and emphathetic to other human beings. We always feel compassion for people going through a hard time and the decisions we make are based on the premise of what is right for me to do as shown in the surveys conducted. Now, other knowledge, history for instance, it tells us what human facts, Ethics, however, tells us how they should be; determines what is moral responsibility, investigates whether there is freedom in human behavior, analyze the moral obligation interrogating what should I do ?, why ?, how are humans , selfish or generous ?, some people are better than others, or all have the same ability to be good ?, why I should be a good person ?, etc. What were my assumptions about ethics and morality before coming to this course Before coming into this course I had very little understanding on ethics and morality, but I knew they have importance in matters concerning business. Have these changed and why Profit maximization has always been the ultimate goal any company; currently, this goal has been replaced by maximizing the value of the company for its owners, ie, to its shareholders. But it can not and should not be the only objective pursued(Corporate social responsibility, 2007). The company plays a vital role in today's society and must therefore contribute to its development and welfare. In an era of organizations, like the one we live in, the company must be a model for all of them. This is in constant interaction with the companies objective, so that the direction of it, must maintain the coexistence of the company to the outside. In addition to the relationship with everything that surrounds it, the management must welfare of all members within the organization. They say that in many cases, employees are the best asset a company can have. It must, therefore, take care; and must do so because it is a business issue, it is a moral issue. A fully integrated and identified with the organization, happy employees perform better and more efficient way their work and not create conflicts(Gregg and Stoner, 2009). Dissatisfied, for whatever reason (salary, working hours. workers perform their work at ease and efficiency will drop many integers, and is also a constant source of problems. If the company is called to be in the future, somehow already being a basic pillar of society, have a moral duty to provide decent and ample subsistence to all members and their families, offering them the possibility of putting their sights beyond their current job, thus offering a real chance to move up within the company or outside it through their training. Although, unfortunately, the reality is quite different. Most organizations are seeking economic growth either way, leaving aside all ethical aspect. Is a common practice by many entrepreneurs to locate their production to save costs in third world countries because there labor is much cheaper and can exploit the worker with greater ease due to lack of labor legislation and starvation in these people facing no opposition and in many cases the complicity of the West. Many entrepreneurs from Western countries, including Spain, despite having a considerable unemployment rate requested the massive influx of immigrants from the third world, relying on the false stereotype that need to perform jobs that Spaniards do not want to make , hiding the true reality, the need to work in subhuman conditions under which the Spaniards are not willing to work, and this has a name, oppression(Keillor and Wilkinson, 2011). All this causes the breakdown of the family nucleus of immigrants and, in many ca ses, a culture shock. This has very negative consequences for society. Globalization must not involve the consolidation of economic blocks that either they put aside or base their wealth on the exploitation of the third world. Must, without any doubt, moral standards include business goals, although it is not easy in a society that suffers a serious loss of values. Education must play a key role to remedy this. The company has to be the engine of change and management has to be aware of it. This is the essence of libertarianism, political philosophy which holds that prosperity, peace, and fulfillment of human beings can only occur in a social system based on unconditional respect for life, liberty and property of each individual. What were my assumptions about the responsibility of business and organisations to communities and broader society and what has changed I was very ignorant of the fact that any business needs to give back to the community in terms of CSR. Most companies however do not prioritise this very important aspect of a business and before learning this course I did not know that this has serious implications to the company in terms of the reputation. Studies show that nearly 80% of workers choose to work for a company that has an excellent reputation that pays a salary sufficient to cover its obligations for a company that pays a better salary but has a bad reputation in general. It also enriches the relationship with the environment and increases the influence of the organization in the community: to disseminate honest and specific information and perform actions socially engaged helps the image of the company against the central community and provides links that can trigger joint social projects. All this helps the company to increase its number of customers to this positive image, employees come with greater enthusiasm, be comes more influential among investors, can become is recognized internationally, respect for non-governmental organizations win and they may even get to reduce their operating costs through environmental actions. Nature of Business Diagonistic tool number 5 clearly shows that I support legitimate business. Moreso, it shows that regardless of the profit that a business is posting if the business is not legal thewn the people wont support it. What I have learnt from this course According to the diagonistic tools I have learned that Social responsibility is so important in the success of long-term business and current that corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a widely recognized process for business in this century. It is therefore important to have corporate social responsibility to teach executives of the new management area , the world change the way they do business will also change, more than important, it is necessary, because unfortunately in most universities are not given adequate training on these issues , then it follows that we executives, serious, successful, but they do not understand the social role to be met, ie that not only have accountability to shareholders but also to society as a whole. Corporate social responsibility is one more mechanism for executives and companies return to society what it has given to them. Today it is impossible to think of businesses that do not work corporate social responsibility when it is so necesarry.The first thing to take into account a company or institution is that corporate social responsibility is not an expense but an investment, provides the following benefits: Reduces costs stoppage of operations or safety by reducing the possibility of conflicts with the population improves productivity, have motivated workers or better health, which helps to increase their loyalty to the company, improving internal environment and safety of workers, considering their needs, improve the external environment, the identify and mitigate the impacts that their activities may generate in the environment, provides an image of responsibility in the company. The importance of the general environment for business activities is critical because many, if not most, of the resources and services needed to carry out these activities are part of the biophysical and social environment;
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